Meditation is called a condition in which our consciousness rises from the ordinary level to a higher one, closer to the divine source, to that state of consciousness in which we can accurately recognise the divine origin of our own consciousness. It is not easy to achieve this state of mind, because our brains are constantly under stimulation, and in addition the forms of meditation, the quality of the practice - like a workout - depends on the individual's temperament. There is no general curriculum, everyone meditates differently.
Getting Started
For those who decide to acquire the practice of meditation, the first difficulty arises from accepting the fact that our souls live and exist. It is not easy to accept this, because everything revolves around the material world in which the "soul" and "consciousness" are mere concepts only, and it is not usual to talk about "spiritual existence". If you have difficulty converting to these ideas some assistance from people who already have been able to meditate might help you. As we begin to feel and think on the spiritual plane, our mind will attract things that are above material things, like a magnet attracts iron. When we are not interested in the spiritual world, they cannot deal with us, but as soon as we experience their energy we can soon feel them approaching.
The practice
When we know and believe that in the world and beyond there is not only that which is visible, you can start your meditation practice. You can do it either in complete silence or next to a soft, soothing melody. Locate yourself in a convenient position, so that nothing compels you to move. First, focus your thoughts on your physical body. Feel every part of yourself, piece by piece! Then try to isolate your spiritual selves from the physical body. The body is merely a tool which the soul uses, so put the tool down now! For a few minutes feel the sense of your spiritual self! Then we will also leav