The moon cycle changes every 2 ½ days. No one cycle of the Moon is better than any other. We all have our favourite moon cycle when we feel at our best and one when we feel at a low ebb. The moon, like the tides, is constantly changing.The Moon is the Luminary – not a planet that governs our emotions and our responses in everyday life. We are all affected by the moon cycles. As the moon moves very quickly through the Zodiac we experience different moods every couple of days. The moon cycle changes every 2 ½ days. No one cycle of the Moon is better than any other. We all have our favourite moon cycle when we feel at our best and one when we feel at a low ebb. The moon, like the tides, is constantly changing.
The Full Moon - Inward changes - 14 Days after a New Moon
This is when the moon is full or very bright or fully luminated. Exaggerated and intense emotions are experienced by all living creatures. For humans our bodies can be up to 78% water by weight, so it is no surprise that the moon’s influence on ebb and flow tides affects us emotionally. The Full Moon and the emotions it can cause is where the word ‘lunatic’ comes from.
How does this affect me personally?
When the moon is full we should be more aware that our emotions can be heightened and even exaggerated. This is the perfect time to get in touch with our emotions and try to sort through them in a positive and constructive way. A time of completion and possible closure for a number of issues and situations in our lives. Just be aware we should not make too many big emotional decisions at this time. We should take our time to think things through very carefully and not allow our emotions to colour our decision making, as we may change our mind in a few days when the moon moves into another Zodiac sign.
New Moon - Outer changes – 14 days after the Full Moon
The New Moon is