This love ritual will help you re-ignite fading emotions and passions. It can be interpreted as a kind of relationship saving ceremony. The ritual should be done on a weekend before the full moon !
Ingredients: 1 red candle scented with jasmine incense and yellow fabric or textile
Before the ritual prepare the site and create a relaxed atmosphere. It is important to choose a time when no one will disturb you!
Before you begin the ritual, you must purify your body: Take a hot, fragrant bath and while you breathe, quietly absorb the energy. Now prepare the area and the space too! Imagine that you are in a circle and while spinning in a circular motion spray protective white light around yourself! This closes the space, so that you can start the ceremony.
Steps of the ritual
The ritual process
First - Place the yellow fabric on the altar, or, if there is no altar, a table. The yellow colour amplifies the energy of the universe to achieve the desired result. Sit in silence for a while until you feel that your mind has grown quiet.
Second - When you are ready, light a red candle and say the following words : "Wake up soul, may the love-light spread across my wish to be blessed!"
Third - Focus on your love desires and your relationships!
Fourth - Take the incense in your right hand and light it with the candle flame. Meanwhile, say your wish out loud. Formulate your desire in the present tense! (Example : "True love is here with me." Or : "The flame of passion sustains my relationship.")
Fifth - Now imagine what it would be like if the relationship was already the way that you wanted it!
Sixth - Let the candles burn for an hour, and then extinguish them!
Seventh - Light a candle every day and leave it for an hour to burn until it is consumed!