D+M=1, 10, 19, 28 OR 37
You’ve made several important changes during the last few months and probably are contemplating a few more. You may have the feeling, though, that despite the shifts, you’re still being held back to some extent. This month, a significant relationship, association or experience may founder or end, most likely between April 2nd and 18th. Although you may be surprised, that termination may allow you a great deal more personal liberty than you ever imagined. There’s a good chance that the conclusion you experience will remove any feelings that the brakes are still being applied. You’ll feel remarkably freer and more open. You can now begin to pursue a different, more progressive course that more closely meets your needs. Feelings may run high while the termination and its related changes and transitions are in progress. Keep your cool. You may also experience some temper or disagreements in regard to romantic matters during the weeks of April 6th or 11th. Handle this as sensitively as possible to avoid breakups.
D+M = 2, 11, 20, 29 OR 38
The time is ripe to initiate some of the important additions or changes related to your family that you’ve been contemplating. The start of a new activity or the beginning of a new relationship, most likely between April 9th and 27th, may add to the balance in your domestic life. The breakdown of some old conditions about April 18th will make it easier to introduce some of the shifts you want. Use a very caring approach. Be very sensitive to others’ needs and feelings, particularly as your changes begin to take effect. Recognize that many of these shifts may bring you closer to your spouse, children and parents. Enjoy the good feelings and ensuing family activities. Take care of your business interests but, if there’s a conflict, be sure that family matters are attended to. Although your time may be very full, thoroughly investigate any chances of buying or selling property, par