There are sceptics who smile at the mention of this topic, and those who try it but with little success. But a small segment of the population say they could achieve everything that they dreamed of with just the power of thoughts. Does it really work? If it does then does it work for everybody or just certain people with special abilities? Furthermore, if we could get whatever we want by the power of our thoughts, wouldn’t it be enough to think about what we want from others rather then sending e-mails or calling them and asking??
Does telepathic ability really exist?
The answer to all the abovementioned questions is YES! It is undeniable that thoughts have the power to create – even more so with every single thought of every person taken together - therefore we can believe in telepathic ability. It does matter, though, whether the thought is positive or negative, or how strong the thought is. Most people do not put lots of energy into their thoughts (except when they are complaining or angry or upset), therefore their “powerless” thoughts will enter into the universe. So this is why in most cases our thoughts are not powerful enough to create sufficient vibrations in the universe.
Whenever a thought (wish or desire) is generated in us, it has to be firm, well defined and full of life and emotion, because this is the only way that this thought will reach the realm of thoughts, and the only way to make it come true.
Methods of telepathy
In order to perform telepathy successfully we have to clearly know what we really want and from whom. Without that information or knowledge the thought cannot get enough energy, so the telepathic process will not be successful.
If our goal is, say, a specifically targeted person and the thought has been well defined and formed, then this thought will cause vibrations in the mental body and will travel through to the astral and etheric body. At this point not only the pers