This card shows an angel who holds two bowls in his/her hands, and pours water from one bowl to the other. The rational and the irrational is in equilibrium in the symbol of Aquarius.
Temperance is the last card of the second phase (second septenary) of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, and this is the closing image of individual search. Number 14 represents balance, which refers to the balance of nature also, such as the moon phases, alternating with 14-day cycles. It comes at the end of the second phase (septenary) just after the card of Death and indicates a promise of rest and a calm state.
One of the symbols of Temperance and moderation is the Archangel Michael. The Hebrew meaning of this name is “who is like God” because this is the archangel who can be seen above the throne of God, acting as a kind of mediator or messenger between God and human beings.
The two bowls represent our consciousness and unconsciousness. If we pour the water from one bowl to the other we will reach a balance. The angel is standing with one foot on the ground, in other words in the material world, and one foot in the water, which is the spiritual world. There is a small path leading towards a mountain over which a yellow sun shines. This picture suggests that if we start our journey towards a wise balance our path will lead us up to the top and we will reach the sun.
Temperance symbolises balance. It represents the pursuits of human beings for harmony and moderation. But it can also represent equilibrium, unification and good human relationships, and the desire for harmony. Inner conflicts can only be resolved peacefully and calmly, which requires empathy and patience. We have to compromise in our relationships with partners, we have to stay strong.
The message of this card is that the best strategy is to choose the middle path. It may be that we will have to compromise in order to keep our financial stability and peace of mind. Av