We have learned about the 22 cards of the Major Arcana. We saw that the cards not only exposed the situation or the root of the problem, but the cards also gave us solutions regarding the given situation or problem, how to analyse our pasts and how to move forward with our lives.
Nowadays we can see many different types of Tarot cards on the market which were prepared with different methods and artistic processes. But it is important to state that whatever kind of Tarot deck we choose the meaning of the cards of the Major Arcana must be the same, regardless of the pictures which decorate any particular card.
In most cases, of course, we come across subjective interpretations because everybody has a slightly different explanation, but the general features, regardless of the type of interpretation, should always be the same. Papus, Levi, Lásenice or Banzhaf are authors who are reliable sources in the world of Tarot cards. They collected hundreds of years worth of Tarot knowledge and lore and so we can rely on them. The most understandable symbols can be found in the Rider Tarot deck – developed from the Marseille Tarot - as they are closest to the sensibilities of modern people and the way of thinking in the twenty-first century.
So far we have discussed the foundation of the Tarot, that which you absolutely need to learn if you want to use the Tarot for prediction. Just as we need to know the alphabet well enough to be able to read and write. Once we have excelled in this school, that is the basic knowledge of the Tarot, we will be able to make predictions using any kind of Tarot cards (regardless of the symbolism on the cards). So you do not have to see the symbolism or the picture on the card in order to interpret it and predict the future from it, you just need to know the number of the card. The trademark of a good Tarot card reader is that they can use any kind of deck, they do not have to insist on using a particular type